水野亮太郎だんらんの名前にふさわしい、アットホームな雰囲気。美味しい料理。特にだんらん手羽と石焼ビビンバにハマってます。 (Translated by Google) A homely atmosphere befitting the name Danran. Delicious food....だんらんの名前にふさわしい、アットホームな雰囲気。美味しい料理。特にだんらん手羽と石焼ビビンバにハマってます。
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A homely atmosphere befitting the name Danran. Delicious food. I'm especially addicted to the Danran chicken wings and stone-grilled bibimbap. -
桑原政治雰囲気が良くて1人でも平気で入れるお店です。カウンターとテーブルあります。最近ハマってるのが、鹿児島直送鳥刺し‼️モモと胸肉のコラボサイコー! (Translated by Google) It's a restaurant with a nice atmo...雰囲気が良くて1人でも平気で入れるお店です。カウンターとテーブルあります。最近ハマってるのが、鹿児島直送鳥刺し‼️モモと胸肉のコラボサイコー!
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It's a restaurant with a nice atmosphere and you can easily go there even if you're alone. There is a counter and table. Lately I've been hooked on chicken sashimi delivered directly from Kagoshima! ️The collaboration between thigh and breast meat is awesome! -
Kawaお店の雰囲気がとても暖かくアットホームな印象でした 料理もとても美味しくて是非また来店したいと思います!!笑 (Translated by Google) The atmosphere of the shop was very warm and made me feel at home...お店の雰囲気がとても暖かくアットホームな印象でした
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The atmosphere of the shop was very warm and made me feel at home.
The food is very delicious and I would definitely like to come again! ! lol -
大泉龍我素晴らしい (Translated by Google) wonderful素晴らしい
(Translated by Google)
wonderful -
長野1番子連れでも問題なく楽しめるお店です。 大満足です。 (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant that you can enjoy without any problem even with children. I'm very satisfied.子連れでも問題なく楽しめるお店です。
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This is a restaurant that you can enjoy without any problem even with children.
I'm very satisfied. -
hide 663
Ra Osolage
おおしまてつやいい感じでした 焼鳥押し 店員さんやお客さんの雰囲気もよかったです! (Translated by Google) It felt good Yakitori push The atmosphere of the staff and customers was great!いい感じでした
(Translated by Google)
It felt good
Yakitori push
The atmosphere of the staff and customers was great! -
石井嘉久アットホームな雰囲気の居酒屋さんです。メニューも豊富ですごく美味しいです。ちょい飲みに最適なお店です。 (Translated by Google) This is an izakaya restaurant with a homely atmosphere. The menu is ex...アットホームな雰囲気の居酒屋さんです。メニューも豊富ですごく美味しいです。ちょい飲みに最適なお店です。
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This is an izakaya restaurant with a homely atmosphere. The menu is extensive and very delicious. This is the perfect place for a quick drink. -
TETSUYA TASHIMA美味しい焼き鳥や本日のおすすめなど、お酒好きにナイスです😁👍✨ お店の人達も穏やかな方達なので初めてでも入りやすいお店でサイコ~😁⤴️⤴️ (Translated by Google) It's nice for alcohol lovers, with delicio...美味しい焼き鳥や本日のおすすめなど、お酒好きにナイスです😁👍✨ お店の人達も穏やかな方達なので初めてでも入りやすいお店でサイコ~😁⤴️⤴️
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It's nice for alcohol lovers, with delicious yakitori and today's specials 😁👍✨ The people at the shop are also very calm, so it's easy to enter even for the first time, and it's a great place to go~😁⤴️⤴️ -
満戸賀瀬食事も美味しくてアットホームな感じも正にだんらんでした! (Translated by Google) The food was delicious and it felt like home!食事も美味しくてアットホームな感じも正にだんらんでした!
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The food was delicious and it felt like home! -
渡邉幸男全体的に、美味しい。馬刺し、ローストビーフ、サイコー😃⤴️⤴️ (Translated by Google) Overall, delicious. Horse sashimi, roast beef, awesome 😃⤴️⤴️全体的に、美味しい。馬刺し、ローストビーフ、サイコー😃⤴️⤴️
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Overall, delicious. Horse sashimi, roast beef, awesome 😃⤴️⤴️ -
ひろゆき美味しかったです🐸 (Translated by Google) It was delicious🐸美味しかったです🐸
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It was delicious🐸 -
金澤拓哉全部美味かった。また行きたいです。 (Translated by Google) Everything was delicious. I want to go again.全部美味かった。また行きたいです。
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Everything was delicious. I want to go again. -
田村秀信何でもあるのが嬉しい! 焼鳥と石焼ビビンバが美味しい! (Translated by Google) I'm happy to have everything! Yakitori and stone grilled bibimbap are delicious!何でもあるのが嬉しい!
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I'm happy to have everything!
Yakitori and stone grilled bibimbap are delicious!